The Advent (a poem)

Most years, as my Christmas gift to the body of Shades Valley Community Church, I write a poem based off of our Advent sermon series. This year, as we finished Revelation, the Lord laid the following words on my heart. I pray this helps point you to the hope, love, joy, and peace that has been inaugurated through the first advent of Christ and will be consummated with his second.

Merry Christmas,
Jonathan Haefs
(If you’d rather listen than read, click here… timestamp 47:58)

The Advent
A people dwelling in the dark 
Dare to hope in God.
A promised light, ere not a spark; 
No messiah yet to laud.

2000 years, we feel the same, 
Daring still to hope;
Waiting, Praying, through the pain; 
Believing what he wrote.

Covenant God, promise keeper, 
Lover of the world,
Through a virgin, in a manger, 
Swaddled love unfurled.

2000 years, is it the same? 
Is love still waxing strong?
Will Christ come just as he came?
O Lord, we cry, how long? 

Jesus was born, the promise kept; 
Joy to the world was sung!
Hope breathed in as tears were wept, 
Joy exhaled from every lung.

2000 years, we want the same,
We long to sing for joy. 
Fulfill our hope, hallow your name; 
Let men their prayers employ.

The babe that came, grew to a man 
And for our peace he died.
In accord with sovereign plan 
He rose! Peace is alive!

2000 years, and still the same; 
Our peace, alive and well!
Jesus the Christ, just as you came, 
Return Immanuel!

Look back O church, look back and see
Christ in the manger lay.
May promise kept help you believe
An advent still remains!

2000 years, it’s not the same 
As when Christ first was sent;
For now he comes ever to reign;
We welcome The Advent!